The plot presents a group of 50 people who awaken inside a circular room, not knowing how they got there. However, you can refrain from voting altogether.Once in two minutes, the machine in the middle kills a living person with the highest vote.

Here are the primary rules.You can see and control only your own arrow. Basically, votes for dead people are not counted.In the event of a tie, the rest can re-vote for the tied people to decide the final outcome.If nobody votes, a random person is killed off.

As soon as she does, Eric uses his vote to kill the pregnant woman. Barry is a technologist who helps start-ups build successful products. Thanks to the movie focusing on this particular circle, we have an idea how the middle-aged person walked out of the situation. The pregnant woman does not oppose Eric as she thinks her life is being saved.So, Katie steps out and dies since the machine kills anyone who steps out of their designated spot. Circe, by Madeline Miller, came out early last year, and I’ve been keen to find time for it, so it seemed like a good book to kick off the spring season.. It’s a re-telling the story of Circe, a character originated circa 8th century B.C. Fantastic ending… Now consider "The Circle," a film banned in Iran. A woman lands a dream job at a powerful tech company called the Circle, only to uncover an agenda that will affect the lives of all of humanity. In this case, no one votes so nothing happens until the couple decide to step out and kill themselves.Eric tricks the bearded man into voting for the silent guy and teams with the woman and the kid to take him out. The unborn child cannot cast a vote since the act of closing one’s fist is how a vote is cast and because the unborn child is well…unborn.The ending of ‘Circle’ confirms that the events of the movie had been the result of an alien invasion of Earth.A few players mention how they remember being abducted by extraterrestrial beings early in the film.

However, that is another film altogether.The Circle is basically an experiment that rewards the fittest with a chance of survival, just how Darwin says the real world works.Interestingly, the fitness of a person is defined not by their physical strength but their wit. It depicts how a capable man can easily rally a group of people behind him.However, it also shows how fragile leadership is.

It does gets interesting when there is a kid and pregnant woman in the room which brings a question, is it human decency to save pregnant woman and a child over you?At the end, neither the child and pregnant women survives instead a man survives who have been manipulating everyone in the group.We find out at the end, that aliens from out of space are responsible for the circle. What's Up With the Ending? She would have to make a choice, either killing her baby, or killing herself, which would’ve also killed the baby.Maybe a lone pregnant woman gets to keep her baby because she can’t vote for herself and thus the baby inside her too.. every last survivors like the guy in this movie gets to kill the unborn freely at the last stage since the child cannot protect itself so maybe that the catch is that the fate of the unborn is stuck with it’s mother…So you may ask then why the unborn be killed immediately with the mother becoz it is gonna die eventually since it can’t defend itself.. Maybe the aliens wanted to test how far humans could go to survive..Interesting concept, but after I was about an hour in, things just got boring. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. At a further company presentation emphasizing the need for accountability in politics, The Circle's Chief Operating Officer (COO), Tom Stenton, introduces a political candidate who has agreed to open her daily workings to the public through Circle.. The highlight of "The Circle" is producer-costar Tom Hanks' performance as the CEO of the titular company, a Google- or Apple-styled high-tech octopus that's spreading its tentacles into every nook of our lives. 466-497) Buy Study Guide. Friends, The Circle doesn't end on a happy note. Over in our " Genre " analysis, we called The Circle a work of dystopian fiction, but it might be a little more accurate to say that the novel is the prequel to a work of dystopian fiction. Because the girl’s baby is still alive, Eric ties. The Circle has grown to handle virtually all of the world’s information flow, and Mae has gone transparent and has been promoted to being a virtual tour guide for the company.

All the decisions and rationale behind them feel disturbingly real. All of them are arranged in a circle around a machine.Every one or two minutes, a light rotates around the circle, allowing each person to cast a vote against somebody else. My only complaint was that the rules had suddenly appeared to have changed for the story. At the end, the movie asks one important question; would you do what ever it takes to save yourself or do what is best for the group.The surprise ending is okay. There are UFOs roaming the sky.Towards the end of the movie, Eric turns out to be the last man standing and resultantly, the lone survivor.The final hurdle that he is seen overcoming involves Katie and the pregnant woman. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. However, the game still continues.It turns out that the machine considers the pregnant woman’s unborn child as one more person and another round commences.Eric votes for the child and kills it. The Circle Summary and Analysis of Book 2 Part 3 and Book 3 (pp.

Welcome to The Circle Question Club, where secrets are lies and knowing is good but knowing everything is better! He knows that he cannot lead the faction of people that want Katie and the pregnant woman to die since the other leader is already at the helm.So, eventually, he would have to die. Hi, everybody! It’s the balance between the schemers, moralizers, and righteous that provides for the game of the Circle to exist. Annie works at The Circle, a powerful tech company, and is …

Hence, the group eventually starts to come up with various parameters to decide who ought to be killed first.This is what reveals the most about human nature and our society at the same time.