Have I known Rachel and Calypso since I was twelve?" "I bet you five drachmas Annabeth's murdering Percy brutally right now." But that all of a sudden they stopped. Travis asked voicing everyone's thoughts. Clarisse growled. He countered, Annabeth blushed more than Percy.She then straddled Percy and kissed him ferously and hungrily, to which he returned.Later that day after a good hour just cuddle, kissing or doing whatever they felt like Percy brought up the big question.
She started blushing and took the seaweed and chucked it at Percy's head. . He asked.
"OF COURSE YOU LIKE HER THAT WAY! Clarisse said with glee.With a huge cheer, they carried Percy and Annabeth down the hill, but they kept them close enough to hold hands. Fast."
He said walking away.She stood there shocked for a few moments before screaming,"STOLL GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT."
She held the button and spoke quietly, not wanting the couple to hear her.
They both laughed before Percy felt someone tap his shoulder. "That's a yes." He turned around and saw Rachel. Percy asked completely confused. "Get your money ready Katie and Travis." Favorite : "Annabeth wait up!"
She asked trying to be polite. She asked irritated. We fought for dominance for a while but I … This kiss was not like the one in the pavilion, it was much slower and sweeter.They eventually pulled apart but kept their foreheads connected. She said struggling against his hands. Everyone then ran after Grover asking question about it until only Travis and Katie were left. Percy said. "When she kissed him, he had the feeling his brain was melting right through his body.
I couldn't think of anything to say so I did the first thing that came to mind, I kissed him. "By the way nice moves." Anyways, enjoy. ""Then up on Olympus," I said, "when they wanted to make me a god and stuff, I kept thinking—""Well, maybe a little.
Katie said. Travis said. "Oh, come on!" I do not own the cover image. They were in the middle of the pavilion when Annabeth finally stopped and turned around. Annabeth said breaking the silence."What?"
;) Complete. Campers gather around, whether on the dock or in the water to get a better view, even the Aphrodite cabin was interested.Immediately Percy and Annabeth, and Chris and Clarisse pushed down the other two. She walked all the way to her room in the big house and sat down on her bed.She knew the whole oracle situation wouldn't work out well for her and Percy, but still she had to hope right? They made out for a while before they heard a small cough.Everyone say on their towels, eating popcorn, waiting for the pair to return. Everyone went back to their previous activities once they calmed down. Percy finished. Connor screamed earning everyone's attention. She crossed her arms and smiled waiting for them to get here. "Yeah and Annabeth's coming too!" "Percy smiled hugely before pressing his lips to Annabeth's again. Hold up for a minute!" He responded immediately and when his tongue brushed my lower lip I gladly gave him access. ""The lovebirds need to cool off!"
Annabeth couldn't keep herself from correcting him.
She said looking out at the surface of the water. "Oh nothing really, just celebrating.
"Who's the seaweed brain now!"
"I'm sorry for freaking out on you it just when Rachel came I-I don't know… lost it." "Let go of me Percy." It has different parts to it but it also has parts of the original. Annabeth fell backwards into the water when Percy pushed her, still laughing. He finished somewhat sheepishly.
Was the general outcry following Grovers statement. She screamed more tears coming to her eyes. Immediately Annabeth stopped laughing and scowled at the oracle. "When are those two going to realize they like each other?"
There's always a way out, just look at Athena. ""I SAID I DON'T LIKE HER I LIKE SOMEONE ELSE! She quickly swiped them away and made a move to turn but was stopped by Percy grabbing her wrists. So far all the have heard is screaming coming from the pavilion.
She came up glaring with a piece of seaweed on her head.
She said resting her hand on Percy's arm. Even though he died a hero, his death affected the trio badley. Annabeth gritted her teeth, trying not to sound too pissed off answers back a simple, "Great." "You saved the world," she said after a while of silence.She raised an eyebrow.
His throat felt really dry. Once they calmed down a bit Percy asked concerned,"Yeah, now come here." I don't even like her that way!" I just got to the party."
"I am never, ever going to make things easy for you, Seaweed Brain.
Percy was hovering above Annabeth supporting all his wait in his hands in either side of her head.
Percy commanded sounding concerned. Percy kissed her again before Annabeth pulled back. Was all she said.When she came back out she saw all the campers running towards her. Grover said nonchalantly walking away."WHAT!" They tuned down the music so they could hear when they were returning. He handed a walkie talkie.She nodded her head then walked off. Percy complained. "I'll do you better, I'll take you out to dinner." Percy screamed frustrated.
Annabeth nodded her head absentmindedly. Rachel asked starting a conversation, completely ignoring Annabeth. Annabeth took that moment to check him out. She asked with tears welling up her eyes. Not intentionally but the daughter of wisdom still got ticked off. Percy quickly swiped Annabeth bottom lip for access. SHE SURE AS HADES LIKES YOU THAT WAY! "HADES NO CONNOR YOU'RE GOING DOWN!"
Annabeth asked, her voice soft. Once everyone was settled the battle began. She said then kissed him (for about the millionth time).It was pretty much the best underwater kiss of all time.This is an alternate first Percabeth kiss.
Story "Whats going on?
"You owe me five drachmas." "So I guess the girl I like likes me back?" "I liked you since then too." Katie screamed back. "You're cute when you're flustered." "Shut up kelp head." "I don't like Calypso either, she was in love with me but I like someone else. He gesture to himself,"Shut up seaweed brain!"