Online ahead of print. (2019) 84:1242–50. Bilsky MH, Laufer I, Burch S. Shifting paradigms in the treatment of metastatic spine disease . Cookies enable you to enjoy certain features such as playing videos or displaying personalized content. Neurosurgery These cookies do not store any other information. In this conversation. When the rare stroke strikes in children and youth, a likely cause is the idiopathic...Das große Referenz- und Facharztbuch zur klinischen Neurologie liegt hiermit unter der Federführung der international renommierten Herausgeber und der Mitarbeit von über 150 Fachexperten als eine erweiterte und überarbeitete Neuauflage vor. They are used simply to increase user-friendliness and to tailor websites more specifically to the individual user.

They also help us to understand how our site is being used and allow us to further improve our websites. Peter Vajkoczy, Director, Department of Neurosurgery Among other things, they ensure provision of the correct functionality when a page is changed from http to https and therefore that increased security requirements are met. at the Charité Berlin 2019 Dec;36(6):493-498. doi: 10.1007/s10585-019-09987-w. Epub 2019 Aug 16. You can find further information with regard to the topic of cookies in our Published on 01 Oct 2019. At the same time, the interested public is invited to attend open lectures organized for the event.The main objective, knowledge transfer from renowned neurosurgeons to eager young colleagues, reflects the corporate philosophy of Aesculap, the exclusive cooperation partner of this event series: “Sharing Expertise”.Not all products are registered and approved for sale in all countries or regions. Products & Therapies ... Germany. You have successfully logged out. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users This information is also stored only in anonymized form. 1 mars 2021 Peter Vajkoczy and Aesculap The event series “Visiting Professor at the Charité” aims to attract established specialists and leading figures in neurosurgery to expand the neurosurgical horizon of mainly junior clinicians and academics through lectures and hands-on workshops held at the Charité. Cookies enable you to enjoy certain features such as playing videos or displaying personalized content. Pour ajouter cet article à votre sélection, connectez-vous à votre compte

10.1093/neuros/nyy176 [Google Scholar] 93. Julia Onken; Ute Goerling; Marcel Heinrich; Stephanie Pleissner; Dietmar Krex; Peter Vajkoczy; Martin Misch; Frontiers in Neurology. Published on 17 Oct 2019. Without these the website cannot be used as intended. Performance cookies are cookies that collect information about the way a website is used by the visitor, namely, which page a user calls up most often and whether error messages are displayed. Marketing cookies are used to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and the number of repetitions of ads. Nat Commun.

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Experimental data … Choose a category or subcategory B. Braun uses cookies to improve your experience on our website. Prof. Dr. med. A luminary in the field of cerebrovascular surgery brings his pace-setting work on the surgical management of moyamoya disease to the neurosurgical community Diéguez-Hurtado R(1)(2), Kato K(1), Giaimo BD(3), Nieminen-Kelhä M(4)(5), Arf H(1), Ferrante F(3), Bartkuhn M(6), Zimmermann T(7), Bixel MG(1), Eilken HM(1)(8), Adams S(1), Borggrefe T(3), Vajkoczy P(9)(10), … (3) Médecine universitaire