Der Reiterhof befindet sich nahe unserem 4* Hotel Sulfner in Hafling - ein Muss für Pferdeliebhaber: Malerische Ausritte Anfänger Profis Haflinger Pferde From the nature and active resort Reiterhof you start each day in a new adventure. >>>>.....den Ankauf, die Vermarktung und die Vermittlung von Zucht- & Sportpferden. per le tradizioni che abbiamo cercato di conciliare con la modernità dei Mountain railways, scenic roads, hiking and other mountain experiences ...Great 4 star superior hotel with excellent cuisine and great spa. Ausritte, Reitunterricht und mehr… Interessiert an einem Ausritt der besonderen Art? Immerse yourself in the fascinating mountains around the ice-blue Achensee. ...Affectionately furnished rooms contribute to the fact that the vacation begins there, where the everyday stress stops ...In the most beautiful time of the year we spoil you with selected, culinary delicacies from the region - but also with international dishes ...Tirol offers the guest lots of interesting things from different areas: From culture to action, there is something for every type of holiday ...The mountains and lakes of Tyrol are probably among the main tourist attractions. No matter if you take a leisurely walk along the Achensee or you go on a summery hike to lofty heights - here everyone will find the right one, of course also in winter.Here at the family-run riding stable you will find peace, a unique culinary and a unique spa and activity program.You can expect a relaxing stay with us with an indescribable pampering experience on all levels. Loving and personal care. nosti tempi e l'ambiente incontaminato. Offerta a partire da 4 gg oppure 7 gg.Da più di 40 anni coccoliamo e viziamo i nostri ospiti cercando di rendere la loro vacanza rilassante e indimenticabile. Egal ob im Sommer oder im Winter. Pampering program for girlfriends including beauty treatments and much more ...In addition to the sauna area, the equestrian center also offers medical-valuable medical spa treatments specially tailored to your needs ...Book your stay at the Reiterhof and plan your holiday here! Sie finden den Reitverein Medingen e. V. auf der Reitanlage Nagel inmitten malerischer Wiesen an der Großen Röder in Medingen (Ortsteil von Ottendorf-Okrilla). A real feel-good hotspot.Traveled as a couple in September 2017 for 3-5 daysThis site uses cookies. By continuing, you agree to the use of cookies. From the nature and active resort Reiterhof you start each day in a new adventure. Unfortunately, the construction site was not finished in August.Real insider tip in terms of recovery and wellness. Reiterhof Zum Seetel, Duggingen. No matter if you take a leisurely walk along the Achensee or you go on a summery hike to lofty heights - here everyone will find the right one, of … Immerse yourself in the fascinating mountains around the ice-blue Achensee. Room and service are downright perfect. Das heißt, bei uns dürfen alle Reitschüler nicht nur Reiten, sondern den Alltag mit …
137 likes. Idealer Ausgangspunkt. Stall N A G E L STALL NAGEL - Erfahrung seit Generationen.....Sportpferdeverkauf vom Remonte bis zum internationalen Pferd. Beautiful starting point for hikes and bike tour.
Unser Hof ist ein Familienbetrieb. Wo der Horizont weite Almwiesen berührt, die Sonnenstrahlen den größten Lärchenwald Europas und das Bergpanorama der Dolomiten und der Texelgruppe verzaubern, da kommt besondere Freude, da kommt Freiheit, auf. Una nicchia accogliente dove ritrovare tranquillità e ristoro. Der Reiterhof “Zum Seetel” ist ein Freizeitreiterhof und Pensionstall. Reiterhof Kriegermühle. Reitverein Medingen e. V. Zum Wachberg 4 01458 Ottendorf-Okrilla OT Medingen Hotel Reipertingerhof in Alto Adige qui non si pongono limite. Qui a Brunico Riscone in Val Pusteria si va una vacanza in montagna vicino nei Dolomiti Egal ob Wanderfreunde, Mountainbiker, Motorradfahrer, Familien oder Kurzentschlossene, die auf der Durchreise sind - unser Naglerhof am Reschensee ist die ideale Unterkunft für alle, welche die nahezu … Offerta valida da 4 o 7 giorni.Scoprite il verde Sudtirolo pedalando senza fatica. Startseite. Godersi la vacanza rispettando l’ambiente e in totale relax - con l’HOLIDAYPASS PREMIUM potete muoverVi senza automobile nel paradiso naturale ed escursionistico della Val Pusteria e in tutto l’Alto Adige, circolando gratuitamente con i mezzi di trasporto pubblici!L’HOLIDAYPASS PREMIUM include anche interessanti vantaggi e sconti presso varie strutture per il tempo libero e musei locali e la partecipazione al programma settimanale “KronAktiv”.L’HOLIDAYPASS PREMIUM viene consegnato all’ospite al suo arrivo presso la struttura ricettiva ed è valido per 7 giorni consecutivi. Reit- und Fahrgemeinschaft Mitterteich e. V. Der Reitverein hat sich zum Ziel gemacht den Kindern und Jugendlichen alles zu zeigen, was mit dem Pferd zu tun hat. Eat. We look forward to your stay with us!3 relaxing days for body, mind and soul at the Achensee.2 nights exclusively for girlfriends including beauty treatments and much more ...4 nights. Ci siamo saputi rinnovare negli anni avendo una particolare attenzione L’iniziativa è riservata esclusivamente agli ospiti degli esercizi associati all’Associazione Turistica Brunico Kronplatz Turismo.Qui non si pongono limiti ai desideri e alle sensazioni di benessere.Esporere la mitica Val Aurina, Plan de Corones e il parco naturale Fanes-Sennes.