She is still very caring and protective towards humans who she sees as members of her family, although this is mainly due to the influence Since becoming a Demon, Nezuko appears to have become also rather brazen, and does not seem to fear fighting; she fiercely guards her brother as well as her allies. Every time a Demon devours a human, the Demon becomes much stronger, and they could eventually develop special, superhuman powers, known as Blood Demon Arts. According to She wears a light pink kimono with a hemp leaf pattern, the lining a paler pink, with a red and white checkered obi and a thin piece of orange thread looped and knotted around her waist, another band of green above it.

@alexhyung l z [ix] p [sfz] l [ok] a [dhk] l [uz] o [afl] [ok] [pj] s [fhl] [sz] [ix] p [sfz] l [uz] o [adk] [pj] s … Instead, Nezuko had fully black hair, worn tied back in three low buns, decorated by pink ribbons, and eyes of a dark red color that only appeared pale pink around their lower irises. Esto puede deberse a su boquilla de bambú, que rara vez se retira. Over this, she sports a long, dark brown haori that reaches past her knees, as well as pink zori sandals and white socks, wrapped with thick pieces of black material. Sin embargo durante la lucha contra Hatengu, Nezuko logra controlar está forma a voluntad. List of characters in the manga and anime series Kimetsu no Yaiba. However, after developing resistance towards sunlight, which allows her to go outside and interact with others more often, her speech has shown signs of improvement and she is able to fully pronounce words if someone else has just spoken them,Nezuko's transformation during her battle with Daki.Kimetsu no Yaiba Wikia is a FANDOM Anime Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Su indumentaria tras emprender su viaje con su hermano, consiste en un kimono rosa bordado con patrones en forma de estrellas y su obi es de color … Her hair is long, black and reaches just below her waist, turning a flame-orange color as it passes her elbows, and appears to be crimped into large, straight ridges, worn side-swept drastically to her left. Nezuko is a petite young girl with fair skin, visibly large, prominent fangs, and sharp, claw-like nails that fade to red where they point. También significa que a veces es difícil de predecir. En este estado la agresividad de Nezuko aumenta, como también lo hace su ansiedad por comer carne humana lo que la vuelve peligrosa. Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba fans, you can finally breath a sigh of relief. Después de que fuera convertida en Demonio por Muzan, buena parte de sus recuerdos como humana se perdieron, mayoritariamente los relacionados con su familia. Nezuko is a petite young girl with fair skin, visibly large, prominent fangs, and sharp, claw-like nails that fade to red where they point. Sus ojos tenían rasgos humanos y eran también del mismo color violeta que comparten casi todos los miembros de su familia. The setting is Taisho era Japan. Nezuko also wears a small pink ribbon to the left of her head, to keep her hair out of her face, and the bamboo gag When Nezuko transforms into her berserk Demon form during her fight with As a human, she had a very similar appearance, the only differences being her lack of Demon-like traits, vermilion hair, and pale pink eyes. Antes de ser convertida en Demonio por Muzan, Nezuko tenía el pelo negro recogido en forma de bollo sostenido con un adorno para el cabello de color rosa.

The specifics of these spells are unique to each Demon. List of characters in the manga and anime series Kimetsu no Yaiba. Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Japanese: 鬼滅の刃 Hepburn: Kimetsu no Yaiba) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Koyoharu Gotōge. Additionally, she was a responsible elder sister to her younger siblings and often put their needs first rather than her own.As a Demon, however, Nezuko seems to have forgotten a good portion of her memories as a human, besides those related to her family, and thus doesn't retain the exact personality she had before transformation. are a race of monstrous, immortal and malevolent beings and one of the major antagonists of the series. Blood Demon Arts (血 (けっ) 鬼 (き) 術 (じゅつ) Kekkijutsu) are spells or techniques that higher-level Demons can cast. February – March 2021 you can welcome home Nezuko Kamado from the series Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. Según palabras de Tanjiro, Nezuko era la chica más hermosa de su aldea . ... Nezuko … Tanjirō tranquiliza a su hermana cuando está en este estado por medio de una melodía. Additional unnamed and very minor characters can be found on this page. After weeks of posting teaser images, Azone International finally revealed this highly anticipated doll! Por favor, antes de realizar correcciones mayores o reescrituras, contacta con ellos en su página de usuario.Nezuko al despertar completamente transformada en Demonio. Additional unnamed and very minor characters can be found on this page. Tevin on Nezuko's Theme - Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba Episode 1, 22 OST. Cuando era humana, Nezuko era muy compasiva y amorosa con su familia, anteponiendo su propia seguridad preocupándose por su familia más que por ella misma, del mismo modo que Tanjirō se preocupa por ella. Her hair is long, black and reaches just below her waist, turning a flame-orange color as it passes her elbows, and appears to be crimped into large, straight ridges, worn side-swept drastically to her left. También desarrolló una gran fuerza de voluntad al negarse a consumir carne o sangre humana, incluso en casos de lesiones extremas o exposición a sangre humana, como la sangre Marechi de Todavía conserva sus emociones humanas, ya que se la ha visto llorar y ser feliz, pero en general parece más distante que sus cohortes humanas, así como más tranquila y menos maliciosa que la mayoría de los demonios. She has soft-looking, pale pink eyes that appear a lighter color around the rims of their irises, slanted downwards towards the sides of her face and framed by notably long eyelashes, the pupils of which can appear slit as she transforms. She wore the same kimono, just without her haori and with a large sheet of white cloth tied around her, which she used to carry her little brother, Nezuko's original personality as a human was that of a kind and caring girl who thought of others before herself much like her older brother, Tanjiro.